Stacey D. Dell
Director of Curriculum & Special Programs
(814) 438-3804 ext. 5457
In 2023-2024, Union City Area School District identified and supported more than 50 students experiencing homelessness under the McKinney-Vento Act. We want this webpage to serve as a place for information on how to identify and support students and families in McKinney-Vento situations, as well as a place for resources for families who may be experiencing homelessess.
If you or someone you know may be experiencing homelessness, there are several key resources for you below:
Visit and utilize these local Erie County resources, including the Erie County Homelessness Resources and the Housing and Homelessness in Erie County, PA website.
Use the Finding Your Way in PA app to connect individuals experiencing homelessness with important local resources.
Connect McKinney-Vento students with The Bridge Project in PA, which provides FREE online mental health services for children and youth experiencing homelessness.
Help others understand homelessness via the McKinney-Vento Act Overview from PDE and other resources and definitions below.